What Can Uriel Do For You?

Growing your business takes knowledge, skill, experience and foresight. This is exactly what Uriel brings to the table. He can analyze your current business scene and optimize areas for peak performance. With experience in multiple industries, Uriel gets results. Don’t try to learn it all yourself, but get someone with the right skill set to help you.


Customer Service


Team Development

Work with Donovan

Real Consulting from a Real Expert

When you need business advice or help, the last thing you need are unrealistic ideas or assumptions. Uriel has personally worked with many companies helping them overcome the real obstacles that they face. He gets a down-to-earth and personal assessment of the business done as a primary step. He then hand-crafts a step-by-step plan to handle any barriers and open the door to increased production and expansion. With an experienced eye and a wealth of knowledge, results soon follow.

Work with Donovan

From Those Who Know Uriel

Just what kind of person is Uriel? Hear from those who have been fortunate to have known and worked with him in the business space.

Better listen to this man, don’t get caught stepping with your weapon on safety!

– Brad Lea

This guy has a brilliant mind and is resilient in his efforts to grow with anything he is tasked with. Amazing to watch this guy in action!

– Andrew Haboush

Uriel is the “go to guy” that you’ve always wanted on your team. He’s an extremely skilled communicator, knowledgeable expert, and beyond all else an amazing relationship builder. I can’t recommend him highly enough, he’s a tremendous asset to any organization.

– Manny P. Vargas

Uriel has done a great job acclimating himself as the expert within the online education space. Vision and solid determination to help others succeed in their goals, highly conversational to invest time with one for which the value of the relationship creates. Invaluable qualities that he possesses. Genuinely appreciate him as a person and professional.

– Marc Demetriou

Who Uriel has Worked With

Here are just a few of the companies that Uriel has worked with to help expand.

Take It To The Next Level

Are you ready to step up your income potential? Then have a conversation with Uriel about how it can happen. He dedicates himself to helping people make it big time in the business world, no matter their field. You know your industry, and Uriel knows business. Don’t go on hoping for a better day. Rather, make that day happen. Get a consultation and see how the future is yours to make.

Work with Donovan